However, the first known reference of a game utilizing the famous twenty-one to win concept is in literature, in Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. Some researchers claim that it’s an invention of the Romans, first-played using wooden blocks, while others think its roots are in the French Vingt-et-Un. The origins of classic Blackjack are a hotly debated topic, and there is no consensus as to where its genesis truly lies. You can also enjoy it for free with friends via mobile apps that provide social gaming fun. Today, many sites play Spanish 21, including numerous online casinos and dedicated table game platforms. One of its most sought-after variations bears the name Spanish 21. However, other factors contribute to its low house edge, decent payouts, and multiple variants that cater to all tastes. Its demand stems from its renowned rule-set, and that decision-making dictates the outcome of each hand. You’d be hard-pressed to find a single casino floor that doesn’t feature a game of twenty-one. Sure, Baccarat rules Asia, and Roulette has its fans, but both aren’t as accessible and well-established as Blackjack in the grand scope of things. Blackjack is likely the most popular table game ever.